Kipaş Holding

Employer: Ender Construction Inc.
Location: Kahramanmaraş
Date: 2013
Kahramanmaraş’s most spectacular and prestigious holding building with an area of 10.596 m².

Project Applications

LV – MV Electricity Budget: 2.025.009,85 TL
LV Installation
Emergency Lighting System
Knx Lighting Automation
Adp And Mcc Panels
Thyristor Harmonic Filter Compensation System
Telephone System
CCTV System
Data System
Fire system
Gas Detection and Warning System
Multichannel Regional Controlled Digital Announcement
and Music Broadcast System
Professional Sound System
Conference System
Visual Presentation System
Stage Lighting System
Basic Grounding and Lightning Rod System
Access Control System
Turnstile System

Posted in: Mühendislik

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